Friday, July 29, 2016

The Godfather

I'm halfway into this book.
I know I don't look like the type who would dig a good mafia murder novel, but I love this book!!

Friday, July 15, 2016

No Way Up / Mary Connealy

My latest review is No Way Up by Mary Connealy. I received the book through Bethany House Publishing.

  No Way Up starts with action in the first chapter. An avalanche takes down the patriarch of the Cimarron Ranch and he sets the rest of the story in motion. The three siblings are forced to live together as dad wishes while he's away recovering. The siblings then face danger from a mysterious shooting on the nearby mesa. Sadie and ranch-hand Heath decide to scale the mesa to find out who is taking aim at them.
 The story is set in the 1800's in New Mexico. I think it would be an enjoyable read for both men and women because it has a good balance of both romance and adventure. I'm particularly glad the romance doesn't take anything away from the story, it's subtle yet sweet and doesn't interrupt the action..
 The only part I found slightly confusing was the reveal of the shooter was quite detailed, I had to read it a few times to put all the pieces together. But, it does set it up nicely towards book number two in this series.
 Check it out! Good western for all ages.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Where The Light Gets In / Kimberly Williams-Paisley

My latest Blogging For Books review is for Where The Light Gets In by Kimberly Williams-Paisley.

  I don't personally know anyone with dementia, so I can't imagine how devastating it must be to go through this disease with a loved one. Kimberly Williams-Paisley does the perfect job of describing the feelings that happen after you hear the diagnosis and dealing with the disease with your loved one. It's written very honestly and captures all the ups and downs.
  The book is not just about Kimberly's reaction but also the toll it takes on her siblings who take turns caring for their mother, and her father who has to cope with losing his wife while she is still alive. The book is not entirely depressing or sad to read, it strikes the right balance of hope and uplifting moments too.
 I would highly recommend this book to anyone dealing with this disease in their family.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay

  Loved this book. I never heard of Paul Tremblay before, but he's excellent. If you're looking for a thriller-this takes the cake.
 The story is about this family whose eldest daughter Marjorie starts to act...possessed. But the question is- Is she really??? The family turns it into a reality show and things spin out of control. I don't want to give away the plot, but I'll say this - Marjorie's possession is not everything you think it is...yet, there is something creepy about her that isn't quite right.
  The book takes place in flashbacks by Marjorie's younger sister, Merri. Merri is now an adult writing a book about the experience and voicing her opinions about the exorcism on a blog where she uses a pseudonym. Through Merri we get an new view of everything that happened years before.
 Creepy, suspenseful, not a back that will put you to sleep. Great stuff! I love finding a new author I love!