Sunday, September 9, 2018

Reincanation Blues by Michael Poore

  You've got to admire people who think differently and write differently and this book is one big Different. It was not my cup of tea, but good for him for trying to think outside the box.
 Reincarnation Blues. Where do I begin.
 I'll be honest. I read a few chapters and said, "I'm Out." I didn't finish the rest. This doesn't happen to me very often, but sometimes a book is just so....weird and Out There, I can't go any further. I have other books to read that I know I'll enjoy more.
 It starts off with this man who owns a fishing boat business; he's been reincarnated 9,995 times and  he's about to get devoured by a shark. Luck isn't on his side, and he is soon down to 4 lives. When he goes to 'heaven' , he is told he only has these last few lives left to understand the meaning of life. If not, his soul disappears forever.
 Death is  woman named Suzie who  he is having an affair with. He thinks back to some of his other lives and there's inappropriate swearing that doesn't fit with the characters of that time period, strange stories, 'Universe Women'.......Oy...
 Don't get me wrong, it is expertly written, but.... good luck to the person takes this book off the library free book table when I leave it there,  May you enjoy it more than I did.

A Baby's Cry by Amanda Stevens

  Anybody remember the Babies & Bachelors USA series of Harlequin books?? This book comes from the series and goes all the way back to 1996 and the tagline was "Unexpected parenthood and the promise of love."  I'm not sure when Harlequin quit this series, but it was a popular theme in the 90's. Each state got a book in the series, and A Baby's Cry takes us to the state of Tennessee.
  Here we have Taylor Robinson, a young woman who had a baby after her man left town, driven away by her rich family. Taylor was told her baby died during childbirth....or did it?? She starts to hear some shady stories about the 'clinic' where she gave birth and begins to ask questions.  When her ex, Dillon - now a detective - returns to town, she finally goes to him to tell him about the child they lost...or did they??
  Harlequins are unabashedly dramatic and soapy. I pick them up whenever I see them at a garage sale because they're a flat out good read. You might not be able to track down A Baby's Cry any longer, but you can still find these books from the series floating around. Pick them up, then pass them along.