Thursday, August 28, 2014

Beyond IQ

The next book I am going to review is called Beyond IQ by Garth Sundam. You don't need a genius IQ to figure out what this book is about, it's all about ways to boost your creative thinking process. Like the title says, smarts are more than just being able to solve complex mathematical problems in your head, it's about how you process the information you receive. When you see a problem what are all the different ways you can think of to solve it?
 I absolutely loved this book. Each chapter features puzzlers and problems for you to solve using the technique that was described on each topic, like The Book of Nonsense or Retrain Attention, Retrain Intuition. They are challenging and really get your brain to use all of it's thinking power. If you're like me, there is not a puzzle too difficult to give up on. Have at it, and have fun! That's the main point in Beyond IQ!  #BloggingForBooks

 Some sample questions to get you started:
 How is a butterfly like a sunbonnet? A pumpkin like a propeller?

 Finish this limerick: There was an Old Person whose habits/Induced him to feed upon rabbits......

 Jane and Janet are sisters born five minutes apart to the same parents and yet they are not twins. How is this so?

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