Saturday, March 25, 2017

Super Genes by Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E. Tanzi

My latest Blogging for Books offering is Super Genes, by Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E. Tanzi

   The subtitle to this book is "Unlock the astonishing power of your DNA for optimum health and wellbeing". That line hooked me, because who wouldn't want to learn how to achieve optimum health and well-being? Let's dig in.
  The book examines a new scientific area called the Epigenome which the book describes as "The entire amount of epigenetic modification of the DNA in your body."  (The first chapters explain it better than I ever could and are a must read.) People have assumed that your DNA is fixed from birth and can't be altered, but epigenetics challenges that thought by claiming the things that happen in our body and mind can alter DNA. 'Leaky Gut Syndrome' is one example of the connection between your body DNA. It's one of the topics covered in the book that has become a very popular topic in the health world recently. Several studies can now prove 'you are what you eat', and if you eat junk-you'll feel like junk, and it could even have an effect on changes in our epigenome..
  Deepak Chopra has been an advocate for many years of healing your body and mind through meditation and that is also covered in the second half of the book.
  The evidence shown is persuasive, They feature many different cases and types of research to support their idea of the mind-body-genome connection. I am especially fascinated by this new area of science. I think there is a lot we still don't know about our genes that I hope they will continue to research at The Chopra Center.
  The book realizes you can't just change overnight, so they offer 3 Step Plans for eating better, sleeping better, and practicing meditation. You start with a few things you find achievable from step one and work them into your routine. There are a lot of tips we already have heard - like eating organic and getting a full night's sleep - The most helpful thing here is having a physical list you can check off to track your progress.
  Overall, a fascinating read. Some understanding of DNA and the genome (Telomeres, DNA sequencing) is needed to really understand the first few chapters about epigenetics, so take it slow if you're not familiar with the terminology and you'll learn quickly.

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