Saturday, September 2, 2017

Deal or Duel!

My latest review for Blogging For Books is not a book but a new historical game called Deal or Duel!

   I wanted to play this game several times before I made my review so I could have a good grasp on how much fun it is and my conclusion is it's so-so.
    At first the game is pretty complicated and there are lots of things to remember on each turn-challenge cards, duel cards, moving duel cards back 5 paces, drawing a Hamilton card etc. My advice is not to tackle the rule book all at once, read the instructions only when you reach that point in game play, reading the rules of skirmishes when you haven't even played duel is not going to make the game any easier. After two or three games you start to get the hang of all the rules and how it works and I found it to be mildly fun. (don't forget how complicated Monopoly must have seemed the very first time you played it and how now you can play without any instruction.)
  There are some unanswered questions I have about the game play and here they are:
 1. How can a player win with $1000 when only $300 is allowed in the treasury per game and the treasury can't be refilled with money from the 'mint'? Even if you keep all of your original $150, gain all of your partner's $150, and empty the treasury that's still only $600.
2. It says any player picks a Hamilton Card at the start of each new round. How is it decided who picks? And is the rule on the card applied only to the reader or to every player in the game?
3. "There can be up to four simultaneous duels at one time" -against the same person if you're playing a two person game? Can one person have more than one duel going with one other player or is this rule only applied when four people are playing and you can challenge up to three of them at once?
  I changed some of the rules to fit my game and, as I said, it was fairly fun. I'd wait until this game hits the bargain bin before buying it though.

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